The Red River Métis Business Development Corporation (RRMBDC) stimulates the economic development of Red River Métis businesses & entrepreneurs by providing equity and/or debt financing creating equity partnerships.

RRMBDC concentrates on businesses and entrepreneurs which are in growth, expansion, or acquisition phases however could invest in start-up ventures when the viability of the business outweighs the increased investment risk.

RRMBDC pursues the following objectives in the course of achieving our mission:

  • Providing equity for Red River Métis entrepreneurs and businesses
  • Promoting and encouraging trade and commerce for Red River Métis entrepreneurs and business
  • Facilitating and promoting the Red River Métis business community
  • Maintaining liaison between the Red River Métis business community and Government agencies
  • and representatives at Municipal, Provincial and Federal levels
  • Support and encourage Red River Métis community economic development initiatives

Investment Criteria

Corporations funded under this program must:

  • Be owned and controlled by individuals who reside in Manitoba with Red River Métis ancestry proven through genealogy.
  • Have an experienced, well-balanced management team.
  • Submit a comprehensive business plan outlining the product and service offering, with a well-defined market with growth potential and a clearly defined exit strategy.
  • Be economically viable and able to provide a positive return on investment to the Red River Métis entrepreneur, communities (non-profit businesses will not be considered).

Nature of funding:

Financing is available up to $500,000 with an anticipated holding period between 3 to 7 years (up to 10 years) and a maximum ownership of 35% of the fair value of the corporation. A variety of financing instruments could be utilized and tailored to meet the specific needs of each opportunity.

Key Industries: life sciences, information and communications technologies, energy and clean technologies, wholesale and distribution, advanced manufacturing, mining and natural resources, other as agreed to by MEDF.

Forms of financing:

RRMBDC invests capital in the form of equity and/or quasi-equity to Red River Métis businesses. The investment and ownership is formalized through the following financial instrument(s): common and/or preferred shares, convertible preferred shares, convertible debentures, subordinate debt, and/or other as agreed to by RRMBDC.

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