Praxis Profiles Inc. ( successfully acquired the Winnipeg Extrusion Plan (WEP) from Acrylon Plastics Inc. located at 2954 Day Street in Winnipeg. The company designs, manufactures, and sells PVC extrusions for the window and door industry. The company owns the intellectual property (IP) of 3 main window systems designed for various climates in North America and primarily sells into Central-Western Canada.
The company is a PVC linear extrusion manufacturer that designs and produces window and door systems for window fabricators. The fabricators in turn cut, weld, install glass & hardware and sell finished units to their customers.
Our windows are primarily used in new home and renovation construction and achieve among the highest of efficiency ratings. They are energy tested and designed for specific climates with four (4) main competitive advantages: product offering, flexible shipping methods, geographic location, and technical assistance.
Red River Métis Business Development Corporation
710-200 Main Street
Winnipeg, MB R3C 1A8
Phone: (204) 589-0772
Toll Free: (800) 387-6004